Sporting Injuries

Sports injuries are different than others, requiring a specialised level of expertise. Sports injuries need a different approach to ensure that treatment and rehabilitation programs address the immediate and long-term injury or rehabilitation needs. Your local Physio Caulfield offers multiple therapies to address the demands of athletes.Sports Injuries St Leonards

The physiotherapy professionals perform an in-depth assessment and examination to locate the exact cause and extent of the injury such as TMJ pain Melbourne, and factor in the type of sports activities to which the patient will return. Any past injuries will be considered and how they might impact the client’s current status and recovery.

A complete, customised treatment, rehabilitation and management plan is created to ensure a quick recovery, safe return to the field of competition, and mitigate the potential for further injury. Multiple therapies may be employed to accomplish a recovery.

The RICE (rest, ice, compression and elevation) approach is utilised immediately to alleviate pain and ensure no further damage is done. Once a diagnosis has been made, a Melbourne women’s health physiotherapist will discuss the patient’s treatment options with them and available strategies to prevent loss of strength and function while healing

Depending upon the injury, the practice’s Carnegie physiotherapists may use one or all of the following:

  • Physiotherapy Caulfield techniques encompass manual manipulation and mobilisation, electrical stimulation and real-time ultrasound. Acupuncture and dry needling are also options.
  • Clinical Pilates in Carnegie is a regimen of measured movements that builds core and pelvic strength for stability and balance. It keeps muscles and other soft tissues flexible, maintains range of movement and aids in postural alignment.
  • Hydrotherapy is conducted in an aquatic medium. The water buoys patients, enabling them to perform movements that may be impossible with the gravity on dry land. It builds strength, eases pain and maintains mobility.
  • Different types of therapeutic massage therapy are available. It stimulates the body’s immune system, improves circulation, aids in removing toxins, and works with the body’s own healing mechanisms. Massage aids in stress management, keeps joints mobile, stimulates the nervous system and accelerates recovery times.
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