Conditions a Speech Pathologist Can Help With

Who is a speech pathologist?

Speech pathologists are healthcare professionals. Their job is to study, diagnose and treat various communication disorders such as speaking, listening as well as language difficulties. Many babies and kids face speech problems. They are not able to understand sound patterns while at other times they fail to utter words properly due to weakness of muscles of the lips or jaw.

A speech pathologist or paediatric occupational therapist in Sydney works with kids having various conditions related to speech and offer suitable therapies to help them overcome their particular problem. Speech pathologists must hold at least a master’s degree in addition to a license before they can provide speech therapy Sydney to little ones.

Types of speech problems

A paediatric speech pathologist in Sydney may treat conditions such as like dyslexia, stuttering and dyspraxia.


Dyslexia is a common learning difficulty that refers to reading, writing and spelling problems. According to statistics, up to 1 in every 10 people in the UK suffers from some type of dyslexia. Common symptoms of this kind of communication problem include slow reading and writing, confusion in the order of letters in words, problem with planning and organization and putting letters the wrong way round. Some kids may also show signs such as poor or inconsistent spelling when they face literacy disorders.


Dyspraxia, a condition affecting coordination and motor skills, often co-occurs with Autism, ADHD, sensory processing issues, and anxiety. Seeking specialized interventions like autism treatment Bella Vista can greatly improve outcomes for those with dyspraxia. Symptoms include difficulty with utensils, preferring finger foods, poor ball throwing, frequent dropping of objects, and challenges with writing.

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Late Talkers

Speech pathologist can help kids who talk late. If your little one is still not talking you may need to see these professionals. The therapist may try different things like playing in order to encourage your kid to speak up.


Another condition that a speech pathologist may treat is stuttering treatment Sydney. It is an issue that generally effects kids. However, in certain cases, it may also develop in later years of life. This condition is basically a kind of behavioral issue. A speech pathologist will try to treat this condition by using behavioral changes techniques. He may help a kid learn speech control as speaking at a fast pace makes stuttering all the more problematic.

Other Conditions

A speech therapist in Sydney may also help to diagnose and treat conditions such as:

  • Fluency such as stuttering
  • Voice — characteristics of vocal tone
  • Autism spectrum disorder in Sydney
  • Hearing and language disorders Cognition — attention and memory

In addition, some speech pathologists have expertise in other areas like:

  • Voice hygiene
  • Transgender voice
  • Professional voice development
  • Accent modification