How Podiatry Clinics Help Improve Posture and Balance

Our feet are complex structures with 33 joints. Podiatrists treat foot and ankle problems, ranging from sprains and fractures to bunions and ingrown toenails.

Podiatrists also help with a variety of other conditions, such as Morton’s neuroma (numbness, burning, and the sensation that there is a pebble in your shoe). They may recommend surgery or prescribe shoes with better support.

Plantar fasciitis

Your feet are complex structures with many bones, tendons, and ligaments that have to work together perfectly. But when one or more of these parts become inflamed, it can make walking, standing, and even running painful. If you’re experiencing heel pain due to conditions like plantar fasciitis, finding relief is essential. Angus Chard Foot and Leg Pain Centre, specializes in diagnosing and treating foot ailments like plantar fasciitis. They can provide targeted treatments such as pain-relieving shots and customized orthotics to alleviate discomfort and restore mobility.

Another common foot problem is flat feet, which happen when the arches in your feet don’t form properly during childhood. The condition can cause your foot to collapse, causing pain when you walk or run. Your podiatrist might prescribe special footwear or orthotics to fix this problem.

Podiatrists can also treat sprains and fractures of the ankles and feet, which are common injuries in sports. They also perform surgery on the bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments of the feet and ankles when necessary. They can also correct hammer toes, bunions and shortened tendons, and design plaster casts and strappings for immobilization of fractures, sprains and other injuries.

Achilles tendonitis

The Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in your body, connecting the calf muscles to the heel bone (calcaneus). It’s used when you walk, run and stand on tip-toe. If you have Achilles tendinitis, the tendon is swollen and tender to the touch. It’s also stiff and painful when you first get out of bed or after long periods of inactivity. The pain may increase if you exercise or stretch your legs.

The condition is diagnosed by taking a history and doing a physical examination. Your podiatrist may also use other tests, including X-rays and ultrasound scans. These help them see how the bones in your ankles and feet are aligned. They also look for signs of injury, such as swelling or a bone spur (a hard bump on the back of the heel).

Treatment options include rest, ice and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications. They may also recommend wearing supportive shoes with a heel lift and using a night splint. You can also try calf stretching exercises and physical therapy.

Posture and foot problems can exert strain on your body, heightening the risk of falls. As adept podiatrists specialize in addressing foot and ankle issues. They offer invaluable guidance on enhancing your posture and can prescribe orthotics tailored to support your feet, ensuring even weight distribution. By alleviating strain on your feet and ankles, this approach enhances balance and mitigates the likelihood of injury.


Overpronation is a condition that causes the foot to roll inward too much during walking and running. This can put extra strain on the feet and other parts of the body. It is a common problem among people who do a lot of exercise or work on their feet. It can also cause pain in the feet and ankles, hips, knees, and back. It is important to visit this podiatry clinic in Winston Hills if you have overpronation. This can help prevent or treat symptoms.

Overpronating can be caused by genetics, age, and injury. It can also be aggravated by poor shoes or exercise habits. Overpronating is most commonly seen in people with flat feet. It can be diagnosed by looking at the foot while standing. If the line from your heel to your shin points toward the inside of your foot, you have overpronated.

Overpronation can be treated with the use of arch supports. These can be custom made or over-the-counter and are placed in your shoes. They can reduce your overpronation and relieve the stress on your feet, knees, and other parts of the body. Your doctor may also recommend stretches and exercises to improve your balance and posture. They can also prescribe shoes with a firm midsole, which can reduce overpronation. They can be found in sports stores and shoe shops.

Posture problems

The way you stand, sit and move has a direct impact on the condition of your feet, knees, hips, back and neck. Poor posture can cause uneven pressure on muscles, bones and tendons. It can also cause additional stress on joints which may lead to pain and injury. Optimal posture distributes weight evenly and minimizes structural wear and tear.

Foot problems such as flat or overpronating feet, crooked toes and deformities such as bunions and hammertoes can alter the way you walk, leading to imbalances in the feet and lower body that may affect your posture. Other foot issues such as a noticeable difference in leg length can also alter the way you walk and balance, leading to compensatory issues elsewhere in the body.

Podiatrists can recommend the correct footwear to prevent and manage many of these conditions, improving your gait and posture. They can also advise on exercises and stretches to strengthen muscles, increase flexibility and improve stability in the feet and lower legs. In addition, they can provide shockwave therapy and dry needling for chronic conditions that may be causing or contributing to your posture problems. These therapies can help reduce discomfort and speed recovery.

Sole Solutions: How Podiatrists in Perth Address Common Foot Problems and When to Consult Further


Foot problems are not uncommon among us. Whether it’s from daily wear and tear, improper footwear, or underlying medical conditions, foot ailments can significantly impact one’s quality of life. Podiatrists, the foot health experts, play a crucial role in diagnosing, treating, and preventing various foot conditions. In this article, we delve into how podiatrist Perth address common foot problems and provide guidance on when it’s essential to seek further consultation.


Common Foot Problems

  1. Plantar Fasciitis: Plantar fasciitis, characterized by heel pain caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia, is a prevalent condition seen by podiatrists. Treatment typically begins with conservative measures such as rest, ice, stretching exercises, and orthotic devices to alleviate pressure on the affected area. In severe cases, corticosteroid injections or physical therapy may be recommended.
  2. Ingrown Toenails: Ingrown toenails can cause discomfort and become infected if not properly treated. Podiatrists offer various treatment options, including toenail trimming, removal of the ingrown portion, and providing guidance on proper nail care techniques to prevent recurrence. For chronic or severe cases, surgical intervention may be necessary.
  3. Bunions: Bunions, characterized by a bony bump at the base of the big toe, can lead to pain and difficulty with footwear. Podiatrists assess the severity of the bunion and may recommend conservative measures such as padding, orthotic devices, or changes in footwear to alleviate symptoms. In advanced cases, surgical correction may be advised to realign the toe joint and alleviate pain.
  4. Corns and Calluses: Corns and calluses are thickened areas of skin caused by repeated friction or pressure. Podiatrists can safely remove these lesions and provide advice on footwear modifications and padding to prevent recurrence. Addressing the underlying cause of friction is crucial to preventing the formation of new corns and calluses.


When to Consult Further

While many foot problems can be managed effectively by Fremantle podiatrist, there are certain situations where further consultation or referral may be necessary:

  1. Persistent Pain: If foot pain persists despite conservative treatments or worsens over time, it’s essential to consult a podiatrist for further evaluation. Persistent pain may indicate an underlying structural issue or medical condition that requires specialized care.
  2. Signs of Infection: Redness, swelling, warmth, and drainage around a foot wound or ingrown toenail are signs of infection that warrant immediate attention. Podiatrists can assess the severity of the infection and prescribe appropriate treatment, which may include antibiotics or drainage procedures.
  3. Changes in Foot Appearance: Any sudden changes in the appearance of the feet, such as deformities, swelling, or discoloration, should be evaluated by a podiatrist. These changes could be indicative of a more serious underlying condition that requires prompt intervention.
  4. Difficulty with Mobility: Difficulty walking or bearing weight on the foot can significantly impact one’s mobility and quality of life. Podiatrists can assess gait abnormalities, provide supportive devices such as orthotics or braces, and recommend rehabilitation strategies to improve mobility and prevent further injury.

Podiatrists in Perth serve as the cornerstone of foot health, providing not only treatment but also education and preventive measures to empower individuals in their journey toward optimal foot health. Their expertise extends beyond mere symptom management; they delve into the root causes of foot problems, considering factors such as biomechanics, lifestyle, and individual health concerns. This holistic approach not only alleviates immediate discomfort but also lays the foundation for long-term foot health and overall well-being.

The role of podiatrists goes beyond addressing isolated foot issues; they are integral members of multidisciplinary healthcare teams, collaborating with orthopedists, physiotherapists, and other specialists to ensure comprehensive care for complex foot conditions. This collaborative effort ensures that patients receive personalized treatment plans tailored to their unique needs, ultimately leading to better outcomes and enhanced quality of life.

In a society where mobility is paramount, the significance of foot health cannot be overstated. Neglecting foot problems can have far-reaching consequences, impacting not only physical health but also mental well-being and social participation. By advocating for proactive foot care and early intervention, podiatrists empower individuals to take control of their foot health, enabling them to lead active, fulfilling lives free from the constraints of foot pain and dysfunction.

In conclusion, podiatrists are more than just healthcare providers; they are champions of foot health, dedicated to improving the lives of their patients through compassionate care, expertise, and advocacy. Embracing the guidance of these foot health experts and recognizing the importance of prioritizing foot health can pave the way for a healthier, happier future for individuals and communities alike.