Natural Medicine

Natural medicine and alternative medicine are becoming an increasing popular form of medical treatment. More people are turning to natural medicine or alternative medicine for treatment of certain ailments that modern medicine does not cure. Some of the diseases that are being treated with natural medicine are cancer, acne, fatigue, depression, high blood pressure, menstrual pain, stress, and infertility. There are even natural remedies for high cholesterol and obesity. These ailments affect millions of people in America, and Western medicine is falling behind Asian and Chinese herbal medicine.
One of the best treatments for depression is acupuncture Mernda. Many people today turn to acupuncture when they are suffering from a depression. Acupuncture can be done by a qualified acupuncturist, who also has training in herbal medicine and Chinese medicine. Acupuncture is done with the use of fine needles that are inserted into the skin.
Eastern and Chinese medicine in Mernda believes that pain management should be done before surgery. In fact, many of the oriental medicine techniques are used in the pain management of surgery. One technique called cupping uses thin acupuncture needles to treat a specific site on the body that is experiencing pain. The needles are placed into specific areas on the body, which allows the energy in the body to flow and balance the flow of qi, or the “life force” through the body.
Shiatsu massage in Mernda and qigong (chi gong) are forms of Chinese medicine. These techniques are used to help the body return to a healthy state by unblocking the body’s energy pathways. These techniques can be used along with or in place of traditional acupuncture.
Oriental medicine also believes that the body can heal itself. Traditional acupuncture needles are placed into specific points on the body to unblock energy channels and allow the body to heal itself. When combined with western medicine, such as cosmetic acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, this form of medicine can be very effective. However, many times it is used along with a traditional medicine approach. For example, while traditional Chinese herbal medicine focuses on treating illness using acupuncture and other techniques, the patient may also be given vitamins or herbs to help them recover from a traumatic accident, or they may be prescribed pain management medications.
Shiatsu massage is used in combination with Chinese herbal medicine and seeing a Naturopath in Mernda. These two types of medicine often work together to provide a complete treatment for a patient. Acupuncture is done by inserting very fine needles into specific points on the body. In addition, an oriental medicine master will teach his students the proper methods of pressing on to points on the body that are related to different health issues. Shiatsu massage is a form of energy healing.
Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine have come a long way in recent years. Now there are some clinics that combine these two very different approaches. A good example of this is John temple gong acupuncture. This clinic combines Chinese herbal medicine with western acupuncture to provide the best treatment for patients with diseases and disorders.
It is easy to see that the relationship between Chinese medicine and western medicine is not a simple one. They work together to provide a very complete treatment for their patients. However, a good practitioner of either system is a great asset for someone looking for a holistic approach. If you have been dealing with a condition and do not feel like taking a medication, consider Chinese acupuncture or any other form of oriental medicine before using medications.
The benefits of acupuncture, Chinese herbs and western remedies go far beyond pain management. Many of the disorders of modern society can be traced back to long-ago techniques used in the east. Today’s health problems are usually caused by chemical and neurological imbalances. Traditional oriental medicine uses a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
The two systems complement each other. Chinese qigong for example, strengthens both the mind and the body through exercise. When you make use of a system such as John temple gong acupuncture, you can learn how to relax and maintain your body while it is healing from various ailments. You can also learn how to use pressure points on the body to relieve pain and to improve circulation. Many of today’s conditions are the result of a chemical imbalance.
Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can help you overcome the symptoms associated with those conditions. You should never have to suffer needlessly. Do some research on the internet before you consult with an acupuncturist or seek acupuncture treatment at your doctor’s office. You may find that it is an interesting way to combine the world of the east with the west. If you’re interested in learning more about acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, why not try it yourself?